3 Digital Marketing Trends We’re Watching in 2014
You would be hard pressed to find a digital marketing pro who is not excited for 2014. The digital revolution continues to unfold every day, and there is no doubt that history books (digital, of course!) will show that the beginning of the 21st century housed a seismic shift in how human beings lived life because of technology.
Here are a few of the trends we are watching and excited about in 2014.
Smartphones have shifted from being a supplemental computing device to being the primary vehicle for how people connect. Sales completed via a mobile device continue to grow. This obviously means more trouble for brick and mortar storefronts. When a purchase is a simple click or two away, and the price is often cheaper, you will continue to see mobile be a disruptive force for companies operating physical venues.
Smartphones have never been faster or cheaper. And with many major phone carriers recognizing the need for affordable data plans, you can expect the saturation of these mobile devices to continue into sectors where they were previously not popular.
Wearable Technology
From the Fitbit to the Galaxy Gear to Google Glass, there is no doubt that wearable technology is on the upswing. And it should be a marketer’s dream. From knowing where a potential customer is, the route they took to get there…even how fast they are walking around the mall. Of course this is sensitive data, but the value proposition might be there for consumers and data hungry companies to strike a deal. Whether or not that happens in 2014 remains to be seen, but there is no doubt that “smart” fabrics and watches and other wearable items are on the upswing.
Private Sharing
As Millennials start to turn away from Facebook, and older generations become increasingly concerned about putting their lives on display in the public domain, there has been a growing trend towards private sharing and disposable media. In 2014 marketers will be hard at work looking for touchpoints to reach the growing number of folks who would rather share words, pictures and videos with their circles in private. The success of SnapChat also seems to be parking a consistent rumor that Instagram will eventually allow people to share images that ‘self destruct’ after a user-set time. The trend of putting it all out there is fading and a new era of private sharing might be ushered in.
Be sure to subscribe and check our blog regularly as we’ll be watching these exciting 2014 trends for you!
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